About the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC)
The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) is an initiative to create awareness and encourage action among Asia’s asset owners and asset managers about the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and low–carbon investing. AIGCC provides capacity for investors to share best practice and peer–to–peer learning on sustainable investment, risk management, corporate engagement and policy advocacy. With a strong international profile and significant network, AIGCC represents the Asian investor perspective in the evolving global discussions on climate change and the transition to a greener economy. AIGCC has over 70 members from 11 markets and with over USD 31 trillion in assets under management.
AIGCC supports investors progress in their climate strategies through 3 key pillars of work:
Investor awareness and capacity building
Investor practice
Policy and regulatory
Members are encouraged to participate in meetings and working groups –Paris Aligned Investment Working Group; Engagement and Policy Working Group; Physical Risk and Resilience Working Group; Forest and Land Use Working Group; Energy Transition Working Group; and Japan Working Group. AIGCC also develops online climate change training modules with Asia–based examples in each of its foundational and advanced modules.
- Enhanced climate change policies
- Implementation and progress of their Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs) that include:
- – Investment Management-
- – Policy Advocacy
- Corporate Engagement
- Disclosure against the TCFD
- Governance
The ICAPs was founded by 7 global network partners under the Investor Agenda. Two resources are published to support the ICAPs.
- ICAPs Expectations Ladder is the framework / summary of actions over four tiers showing how investors can progress on climate action from beginner to leadership stage.
- ICAPs Guidance: is about how to develop an investor’s climate action plans across 4 areas across the overarching theme of governance. The actions are tool/approach/initiative neutral and meant to serve as a ‘self–assessment checklist’ to find where progress has been made and where advancement is needed.